Innovation with Baladin in the agrifood sector:
the YA BREW project for the Baladin Brewery
Birrificio Baladin represents Italian excellence in the world in a key sector: craft beers.
A record that is the result of a constant path of innovation at all levels, from the production process to marketing, from communication to the exploration of new synergies in the area of research.
Behind the apparent simplicity of a mug of beer lies the complexity of the combination of research, development and finance: typical elements of projects funded by the European Commission.
moltosenso, together with other specialists, supported Birrificio Baladin in the presentation of several European projects aimed to calibrate and control the fermentation and production processes.
Additionally, moltosenso prepared a Business Plan to support an expansion strategy facilitated by participation in an SME Instrument phase 2 project.
This project combined researchers and academics in the field of biology and food production processes with leading companies in the supply chain.

The importance of details:
the transversality.
Participation in a European project is a useful experience for the companies involved because:
- they get economic resources to support a detailed research, development and market need;
- they connect internationally with other realities of the world of research and industry, increasing the capacity for internationalization;
- Stimulate the research of broad and transversal impacts. The European Commission requires that the financial resources provided will benefit the system;
Monitoring the fermentation processes, for example, is one of the aspects of the project that has most benefited the international community, applying this methodology to different sectors. With this in mind, moltosenso supports its clients.

The value of planning>
the Business Plan
Participating in a European project is much more beneficial when it is contextualized in the strategic vision of the company.
moltosenso has in-house professionals in the field of business strategy and financial systems analysis that support customers in the definition of their goals.
The detailed identification of the financial aspects linked to the creation of a product and the development of an industrial process allow companies such as Birrificio Baladin to expand their markets and to be seen by financial institutions with the confidence acquired through the European recognition.
In conclusion...
A competitive advantage is built with passion and dedication, day after day, with a craftsman’s attention to detail and a wide vision, open to the challenges of globalization.
Moltosenso found in Birrificio Baladin a solid company that was committed to growing, able to rely on the indications provided in order to position itself one step ahead of its competitors.