
Innovating to support the environment: the LIFE projects

Protecting the environment, biodiversity, and ecosystems is an absolute priority.

Since 1992, the European Union has made available, with increasing intensity, economic resources for innovative projects on environmental issues.

The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Agency (CINEA) coordinates a particular category of financial instruments: the LIFE calls.

From the support of the research on biosustainable pesticides to the smart integration of the wood supply chain. From the identification of innovative methodologies to fight microplastics in the marine environment to integrated projects of CO2 reduction: moltosenso has intercepted a plurality of needs in the environmental sector and was able to respond by providing technological and managerial know-how.

Environmental benefits

In the agricultural sector, the use of chemicals to combat fungus and pests that threaten crops is an accepted practice included in the regulations.

Fighting pathogens, as well as limiting damage caused by non-endemic insect species, present continuous challenges at the level of:

  • environmental impact;
  • sustainability and resource usage;
  • costs;quantity and quality of food production.

The Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Turin is very active, for example, on the development of sustainable fumigant pesticides, which are of primary importance in reducing environmental toxicity.

In this area, the administrative and managerial capacity of moltosenso allowed a well coordinated project action with the available resources.

Benefits for local communities

Protecting the environment is just as important as supporting the communities that live in it.

One of the challenges that Europe is facing is the desertification of rural areas, which are becoming depopulated not only as a result of climate change but also because of the effects that environmental negligence is having on the local economic system.

In LIFE projects curated by moltosenso for the Susa Valley Mountain Community, it was proposed a greater integration of the circular wood supply chain, in order to safeguard the forest heritage and make it a central element for the local economy.

In other projects on the Adriatic marine environment, making fishing sustainable has been central to enabling small fishing cooperatives to continue their activities in their home villages.

In conclusion...

moltosenso offers its competences for the benefit of public and private research organizations that are interested in developing innovative environmental projects.

Administrative and management skills that guide the partnership in the complexity of calls of any kind, especially for the LIFE project, are available to any subject with a solid scientific project.

moltosenso’s ICT and technological expertise, capable of defining innovative research trajectories, has been rewarded by the European Commission with SME Instrument and collaborative projects. In the future, especially in the new program (2021-2027), which also includes a robust intervention on the Circular Economy, moltosenso is a reference point for stakeholders operating in the sector.

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