
DECAT: in support of the Civil Protection

moltosenso’s technological expertise can be the driver for innovation in areas that might appear very traditional. This is the case of the European project DECATASTROPHIZE (DECAT), in which moltosenso has actively collaborated in the management and implementation of innovative methodologies to support the prevention systems of the European Civil Protections, with the financial contribution of DG-ECHO. So this is why we talk about moltosenso project in DECAT. The DECAT project started in February 2016. It aimed to address environmental risks by preventing them. All of which was possible through the use of a combination of strategies that make it possible to alert and secure people in the event of natural (such as floods or earthquakes) or man-made disasters.  

moltosenso e DECAT: grandi partner per un grande progetto

Together with partners from Cyprus, France, Greece, Spain, United Kingdom, Hungary and with the support of the Civil Protection of the Piedmont Region, Sicily Region and Sardinia Region, moltosenso has contributed to the development of methodologies and simulation, warning and emergency coordination systems. DECAT’s goal was to use geospatial decision support systems (GE-DSS) for fast deployment, interoperability, transferability and sustainability to assess and respond to a wide range of natural and man-made emergencies, disasters and environmental incidents. This was achieved by using existing models and systems together on a multi-platform dashboard, enabled by moltosenso and distributed and integrated into the stakeholder operations of each partner country.

Overcoming barriers

We have therefore created an instrument capable of overcoming the bureaucratic and organizational barriers that usually limit the coordination of Civil Protection at the international level. An important aspect, in the area of training and prevention, has been to integrate risk assessment with the common operating framework into DECAT’s methodological framework. DECAT also provided empirical evidence on the integration of decision makers, research organizations, and emergency centers as well as the activities related to the new civil protection mechanism.

Benefits of the project

As a project manager and integrator of algorithmic and dashboard solutions, moltosenso has therefore contributed to establish better collaborative ICT platforms for emergencies and to improve the readiness and awareness of civil protection professionals and volunteers.

From a social perspective, moltosenso supported EU candidate countries and potential candidates not participating in the Mechanism and European Neighborhood Policy countries in the area of disaster preparedness by improving mutual cooperation within the Civil Protection Mechanism of the Union and its participating states.

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